have spent days if not months installing CUDA 7.0 and CUDA 7.5 in Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04 over different laptops(Dell and Asus). I finally got them working. While there are numerous tutorials present over the web, most are incomplete and error prone. The difficulty comes in installing the Nvidia drivers. If one does a mistake then the system crashes(since you need Nvidia drivers for Cuda only but not for graphics display. The default settings messes the OpenGL display drivers) and you need to do a fresh install (again there are many messy ways to escape without a fresh install but lets try to make it correct from the start anyways).

Instructions on Ubuntu 16.04/14.04 after a fresh install

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zip -r 壓縮名稱.zip 壓縮目錄

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為了在Windows 方便與Raspberry Pi新增或修改,將在Raspberry Pi架設Windows俗稱的網路上芳鄰 "Samba Server" 。



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Bluetooth 4.0 最主要的特性是為了省電,在極低的待機功耗下可以使用一顆鈕扣電池達數年工作。Bluetooth 4.0定義了三種模式,「低功率藍芽」:不需佔用太多頻寬的裝置連線為主、經典藍牙」:訊息溝通、裝置連線為重點高速藍牙」:資料交換與傳輸



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